Me and Tara tried to continue making our way to the destination, but the endless waves of creatures of horror that we kept on having to fight through were beginning to tire us. Me and Tara knew we weren't gonna make it much further than this, so we decided to retreat. As we were trying to find a way out of the vortex, we were chased by creatures of horror, and we even encountered what looked like worshippers of the creatures of horror. Me and Tara were under heavy attack. We were both severely wounded. The last thing I remember was running past a spider abomination, and then I got shot in the back with an arrow. Everything went dark...
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The horror and nightmares. Reality was on the brink of a complete collapse. I thought my time had run out and that I was going to die and be erased from existence. With hope and luck, I was spared a terrible fate. I have much to share about the events that happened.
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It started getting really dark and bad when me and Tara entered the center of British Columbia to try and prevent the collapse of reality and save our existence. What follows are the disturbing events that happened.
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Me and Tara entered the center of British Columbia to make our way to the destination near the dark dimensional tower to try and prevent the collapse of reality and save our existence. We didn't make it too far before a vortex formed. As soon as the vortex formed, I could feel reality rapidly deteriorating. Everything was getting dark. Me and Tara continued to move on. Creatures of horror and nightmares were rapidly being spawned inside of the vortex. Reality continued to deteriorate. Harper was right when she said what happens here will affect the past, present, and future. My connection to the world of the present was becoming torn apart. I saw myself in a terrible state. Despite reality rapidly deteriorating, me and Tara continued to make our way to the destination. We were attacked by creatures of horror, and I could feel the impact in the world of the present. My mind was hurting with dark thoughts.
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The horror and nightmares. It only got worse and worse.
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As me and Tara made it further into the center of British Columbia, the worse the horror and nightmares got. They kept coming. Wave after wave, they just kept coming. It was becoming overwhelming. Reality was continuing to die. I saw myself in the world of the present. The dark thoughts were getting more intense. My mind was bleeding and my mental state was rapidly deteriorating. I was terrorized by fear and horror. The nightmares wouldn't let me sleep.
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And then a dark fog swarmed over me and Tara. We were in the most horrible nightmare one could ever imagine. In the darkness, we saw my father. He was fighting something so terrible and horrifying. He was struggling so badly.
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Me and Tara saw the abomination that took my father. It's a dimensional horror that rots your mind from the inside out. It twists your reality into a tormentation of horror and nightmares. It can drive you mad and turn you against yourself. My father tried so hard to fight back, but the abomination overpowered him. It took my father, and now it's coming for me.
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After watching that dimensional abomination of horror take my father and knowing that it was now coming for me, I knew reality was nearing its end. Time was running out.
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Exhausted by the endless horror and nightmares, me and Tara knew that we weren't going to make it much further than this. It was hopeless. We decided to retreat. We were chased down by the creatures of horror and encountered what appeared to be worshippers of horror and nightmares. Me and Tara were under heavy attack. The situation was dire. I remember running as fast as I could past a spider abomination, and then I felt an arrow pierce into my back. Everything went dark. I saw myself in the world of the present. I was in such a grave state. The darkness had completely swarmed over my mind. The same dimensional abomination that took my father was now ready to make me its next victim. The horror and nightmares. I couldn't take it anymore. There was only one way to put an end to them.
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I continued to see myself in the world of the present. The horror and nightmares. The same dimensional abomination that took my father was about to make me its next victim. Reality was about to collapse. I was only moments away from ending my own life, but then I heard Tara crying out my name. The vision of me in the world of the present then vanished. I got up from the ground and took the arrow out of my back, and then shortly after, the vortex threw me into the sky.
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So, here I am. After being thrown into the sky from the vortex, I landed near Felicia. I didn't suffer from any serious injuries because I was able to grab a hold of a tree before hitting the ground. I guess I'm not dead yet in the world of the present because I'm still here. This has been the closest to the collapse of reality ever.
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I survived through the land of horror and nightmares, but I have to go back. Tara, she's still there, and she's alone. I'm coming to save you, babe.